Are there any instances in which I may be required to repay benefits I have already received?
Parents will be required to repay benefits received for child care assistance if the benefits paid were based upon inaccurate, misleading, or false information. This also includes benefits which may have been received because changes were not reported within the proper time limits.
What if I started a new job and have only received one or two paychecks?
In this situation, all available pay stubs should be submitted.
What forms are available in my portal?
Your portal will have access to the following forms:
- “Requirements to Report Form” – This form should be completed to report changes of status concerning jobs, schools, income, family status, or contact information.
- “Transfer Request” – This form should be completed when transferring care from one provider/center to another one.
- “Voluntary Termination” – This form should be completed when you no longer need our services for one or all eligible children.
Will my cable bill be accepted for proof of address?
No, only current utility bills are accepted, and a cable bill is not a utility bill. Utility bills include:
- Water
- Gas
- Electricity
- Telephone
Will I be notified when I am eligible for Child Care Services (CCS)?
Yes, you will be notified through your previously selected method of contact (email or text). You will then have 14 days from the date of notification to contact Child Care Services in order for us to set up care with your selected provider.
What can I do if I have not saved my pay stubs?
In this situation, your employer must complete the “Pay History Verification Form (PDF)”, which is located on our website.
What if I do not have a pay stub because I just started a new job and have not received my first paycheck?
In this situation, your employer must complete the “Pay History Verification Form (PDF)”, which is located on our website.
How many pay stubs do I need to include with my application?
If you have been employed by the same employer for a minimum of three (3) months or longer, then it is dependent upon how often you get paid.
- If you are paid weekly, include the past 13 current pay stubs.
- If you are paid bi-weekly, include the past seven (7) current pay stubs.
- If you are paid twice a month, include the past six (6) current pay stubs.
- If you are paid monthly, include the past three (3) current pay stubs.
You may submit a printout of your employer’s payroll history in lieu of the required pay stubs; however, both the employer’s name and your name must be on the printout.
How long will it take before I receive approval of my eligibility?
Applications are processed in the order received and it is extremely important to submit a complete application. Once your application is reviewed for completeness, we anticipate a 3 to 5 day approval process.
In the meantime, while waiting for your eligibility to be determined, please be conducting onsite visits with various child care providers so you can locate and choose the one that best meets your needs, as well as the needs of your child(ren). Ask the provider if they have room for your child(ren), and let them know you are presently waiting to receive approval of your eligibility. When you receive notification of your eligibility from us, please be prepared to submit the name of the child care provider/center you have selected.
Where can I find information related to state and federal employment laws?
The Especially for Texas Employers online book contains federal and state employment laws relating to hiring, pay and policy, work separation and more. The content includes chapters on the basic legal issues relevant to hiring, pay and policy, work separation, post-employment problems, and employment law-related websites.
How do I find Labor Market for the Panhandle area?
Find Labor Market Information for the Texas economy and workforce. Use tools to target your business development and learn more about your industry. Track the future outlook for occupations in Texas. Get current economic news and numbers.
Texas Industry Profiles – the ultimate Texas economic development website!
Texas Wages – Texas Wages and Employment Projections
Texas LMI – your one-stop place on the Internet for Texas labor market statistics
How do I use to post jobs, search résumés, and find qualified job seekers for your open positions?
You can contact our local Business Services Unit at (806) 345-1341 for assistance, to get answers, or to place your openings by speaking to a live person.
What should I do if my company is closing or has a planned layoff?
When businesses close plants or lay off workers, Workforce Solutions Panhandle can provide immediate on-site services to assist workers facing job losses. Rapid Response provides early intervention assistance designed to transition workers to their next employment as soon as possible.
How do I search for employees?
We provide an internet-based matching system, WorkInTexas, that provides a list of applicants who match your job posting requirements.
What are my responsibilities if my company decides to have a hiring event at Workforce Solutions Panhandle?
In an effort to secure the best results for your hiring event and to provide our recruiters ample time to promote the event with our job seekers, we kindly ask that you allow at least one week for planning prior to the event date. Please note for tracking and compliance purposes you will need to provide us with a hire list at the conclusion of your event.
What do I need to do to have a hiring event for the job openings at my company?
To schedule a hiring event, contact the Business Services Unit at (806) 345-1341.
How much do you charge for the services?
Because we are state and federally funded, there is no charge for the basic services we provide to Texas employers.
How do I get Unemployment Tax Information?
By clicking on the following links, online services are available to:
What kinds of recruiting assistance services are available to me as an employer?
We provide free job postings, recruiting, screening and the referral of job seekers to open positions. We also provide hiring events and interview rooms to assist in applicant selection. Call us today to find out how we can assist you with your business needs.
My business prefers to hire Veterans. Is there a way to designate “Veteran Only” on my job posting?
Yes, all job postings provide priority of service to veterans for the first 48 hours but can be extended for the duration of the posting.
What resources are available to help my organization train our employees?
There are several resources at available to upgrade the skills of your current employees or train new employees with a specific skill set. Let us help you to determine which resources to pursue which could assist you in moving your organization forward. Below are a few of the opportunities we have to train your workforce:
- Skills for Small Business
- Skills Development Fund
- Texas Industry Partnership
- High Demand Job Training
- Texas Mutual Insurance/Amarillo College Free Safety Classes
Please feel free to reach out to our Business Services Unit for further information.
My Company has never used Workforce Solutions Panhandle’s services. What do I need to get started?
All we require is a federal employer identification number (FEIN). If you have a Texas UI tax number (TWC ID) that will be included in your account setup.
Job Seekers
I need help purchasing work related items such as work boots, uniforms and interview clothing. Can Workforce Solutions assist with this?
In order to receive assistance with work-related items, you must be enrolled in a Workforce program such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) and NCP (Non-custodial Parent Program).
Can Workforce Solution help me obtain training that would qualify me for a better job?
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA program) may be able to offer assistance with occupational training based on eligibility.
Do you have a list of employers that will hire applicants with criminal backgrounds?
Workforce Solutions does not provide a list of employers who hire applicants with criminal backgrounds. It is to the discretion of each individual employer what their requirements are concerning background issues.
Are there any local websites that can help with my job search?
Jobseekers should utilize for your job search needs.
How do I match up with a particular type of job in Work in Texas?
Questions you may have about how to use can be answered in our workshop offered every Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m.
I recently found myself needing to seek employment. Does Workforce Solutions provide any services that make job search easier?
Yes, Workforce Solutions can provide you many services that will make your job search easier and more productive. Workforce Solutions provides the following in-office workshops to help you transition back into the workforce.
- Resume – Writing a Resume using the “Goldmining” technique. Learn how to improve your resume to grab the employer’s attention.
- Interview – Interviewing in the 21st Century. Find out about “behavioral” interviews and how to do your best in them.
- Job Readiness – Discover how to conduct a more productive job search – everything from starting your job search to staying employed at your new job.
- Job Search When you are Over 50 – Find out helpful strategies that enable older workers to compete in today’s job market.
- The New Work In Texas Web Site for Job Seekers – Find out about the improvements to our web site, and how the features can help your job search.
- Job Search and Social Media – A presentation of general information that focuses primarily on job search and the LinkedIn/Facebook web sites.
Where can I go to complete my State of Texas application?
By registering at, you will be able to complete a State of Texas application. The application can be accessed through “My Individual Plan” in your Work in Texas account.
I just became unemployed – What’s next?
Register for work at Once registered, apply for unemployment benefits by contacting the TWC unemployment office or by calling their Tele-Center at 1-800-939-6631. Workforce Solutions does not provide specific unemployment information all questions should be directed to the TWC unemployment office.
Do you have a list of open jobs to apply for or employers that are hiring?
Yes; by registering in Work in Texas, you can search available positions for the entire state of Texas.
Can you add more than one occupation at a time to for job matching purposes?
Yes, you can! By adding the specific occupation code into your resume within, you can generate more job leads. You are allowed up to 10 separate resumes in Work in Texas to produce maximum job leads.
Child Care Providers
I have a relative who is currently on CCS, and I would like to watch their children. What is required, and how can I set this up?
You must be at least 18 years old, and you must be the child’s sibling, aunt/uncle, grandparent or great-grandparent if you don’t reside in the same household as the child(ren).
You must apply for and receive a Listing Permit for Listed Family Homes from Texas Health and Human Services Child Care Regulation before you can provide care.
The Listing Permit Request to be a Listed Family Home can be found at the Texas Health and Human Services website in the Child Care Home Provider Applications Forms section. Please contact Child Care Regulation at (806) 354-5307 for any questions concerning the Listing Permit Request.
Upon receipt of your Listing Permit, please contact Karron Gilbreath, Child Care Provider Services Lead, by phone at (806) 350-1726 or by email at
How much do I get paid for accepting CCS children?
Workforce Solutions Panhandle pays the maximum reimbursement daily rates unless the provider’s published rate is lower. Please review the 2025 Maximum Reimbursement Rates to view the current rates.
When I have an Agreement, will you guarantee CCS children will be enrolled at my center/home?
Being a contracted provider with Workforce Solutions Panhandle will not guarantee CCS enrollment since federal and state rules require that all referrals be based on parent choice.
I want to provide care for children whose families are receiving subsidized Child Care Services (CCS). How do I do this?
To become a contracted provider with Workforce Solutions Panhandle, the following requirements must be met and maintained:
- Effective October 3, 2022, all CCS child care and early learning programs must participate in the Texas Rising Star program. In order to be a CCS provider, child care and early learning programs must:
- meet the Entry- Level designation point threshold; and
- attain at least a Two-Star certification level within 24 months
- Must be licensed or registered through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) as a licensed child care center, licensed child care home, registered child care home, or be operated and monitored by the United States Military Services;
- Must abide by the terms of the Provider Agreement;
- Must follow the procedures as outlined in the CCS Provider Handbook;
- Must not be presently on corrective or adverse action with Child Care Regulation (CCR).