Workforce Solutions Panhandle uses local, state and federal funds to help low to moderate-income families pay for child care so they can work, attend school or training. Families must meet federal and state guidelines in order to qualify for child care assistance.
Child Care Assistance
Apply for Child Care Services
Please click the button below to visit the Texas Child Care Connection (TX3C) website to create an account and apply for Child Care Services (CCS).
General Eligibility Overview
Eligibility criteria to receive Child Care Services (CCS) include:
Ages served
The child is either younger than 13 years of age or a child with disabilities and younger than 19 years of age.
Child’s Citizenship or Legal Immigration Requirements
The child is a US citizen or legal immigrant (documentation will be required).
Must be Employed, Participating in an Educational Program/Job Training or Searching for a Job
Each parent or guardian, living in the household, are required to participate in a combination of training, education or employment activities for an average of 25 hours per week for a single-parent family, or an average of 50 combined hours per week for a two-parent family.
- Child care services provided can not exceed a cumulative of 60 months for a parent enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program. Parents must demonstrate progress towards successful completion of a job training or undergraduate degree through continued enrollment.
Household members include those that live in the household: parents, step-parents, adult dependents, and a child or other minor living in the household who is the responsibility of the parent.
Families who do not meet the minimum participation requirements may qualify for child care while searching for work (requirements described below).
- Initial Job Search will provide 3 months of care while searching for employment or additional employment if you are not currently meeting participation requirements:
- Upon the end of the initial 3 months, your care will continue, if you gain employment, submit job verification documents, and show you are meeting participation requirements and are determined eligible for care. You will be terminated, if you do not submit employment information or fail to meet the participation requirements listed below:
- Single Parent Family – 25 total activity weekly average hours. This may be achieved by working 25 hours or a combination of work, job training or education hours with at least 12 hours of employment
- Dual Parent Family – 50 total weekly average hours combined between both parents. This may be achieved by working 50 hours or a combination of work, job training, or education hours with at least 25 hours of employment
Have Custody of Children
The parent/guardian applying for services must have custody of the child(ren) needing services. If the applicant is in loco parentis; not the natural parent, adoptive parent, stepparent or legal guardian, the in loco parentis applicant will need to include additional documentation. The required documentation varies by situation and specific requirements can be found on our In Loco Parentis Matrix page.
Live in Texas Panhandle Region
Families must live within these counties: Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Ochiltree, Lipscomb, Hartley, Moore, Hutchinson, Roberts, Hemphill, Oldham, Potter, Carson, Gray, Wheeler, Deaf Smith, Randall, Armstrong, Donley, Collingsworth, Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Briscoe, Hall, or Childress.
If you cannot prove residency and the child requiring services is determined homeless* services can be provided.
*A child who is considered homeless lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Cannot Owe Recoupment
Families who owe recoupment for a fraud determination anywhere in Texas, are not eligible to enroll or continue services until the recoupment has been paid in full.
Meet Income Guidelines (See Below)
A family within the Board’s workforce area whose income does not exceed 85% of the state median income for a family of the same size and whose assets do not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000).
Meet income guidelines based on gross household income (before taxes) and family size.
Include any other type of income, such as:
- rental income for a house, homestead, store, or other property;
- income from boarders/lodgers;
- income from estate and trust funds, or royalties;
- pensions, annuities, life insurance, and retirement income,
- Social Security Disability Income (SSDI),
- workers’ compensation income, and
- alimony, court settlements, or judgments.
Income Eligibility Requirements
Family Monthly Income Guidelines
Income Eligibility Guidelines – 10/01/2024 – 09/30/2025
Family Size | 85% SMI Monthly Income Range Gross Amount |
2 | $4,971 |
3 | $6,141 |
4 | $7,311 |
5 | $8,481 |
6 | $9,650 |
7 | $9,870 |
8 | $10,089 |
9 | $10,308 |
10 | $10,528 |
11 | $10,747 |
12 | $10,966 |
Income Limits By Pay Frequency
On the chart below, find your household size and then your pay frequency. If your gross pay exceeds what is shown on the chart, you must immediately report the change to your Child Care Services office so a review of your case can be completed.
Family Size | Weekly | Bi-Weekly | Bi-Monthly | Monthly |
2 | $1,148 | $2,296 | $2,485 | $4,971 |
3 | $1,418 | $2,836 | $3,070 | $6,141 |
4 | $1,688 | $3,376 | $3,655 | $7,311 |
5 | $1,958 | $3,917 | $4,240 | $8,481 |
6 | $2,228 | $4,457 | $4,825 | $9,650 |
Parents who qualify for CCS will be asked to select the provider of their choice who best meets the needs of their family on a space-available basis.
Parents Who Qualify
Parent Share of Cost
Parent Share of Cost is determined by family size, household income, and number of children in care. Please click or download the pdf file below for an example of determining parent share of cost.
Transfer Request
Parents may request a transfer to a different provider at any time. Please note that there is a two week (14 calendar days) waiting period from the date of the request before the effective date of a transfer.
Additional Information:
Child Care Assistance Parent Responsibilities
Please be aware that you are required to report changes in work, job training, or education, and maintain attendance standards.
Additional Resources for Parents Receiving Child Care Assistance
We have a variety of resources for parents, including family resources and better parenting resources.
Choosing the Right Child Care Provider
When choosing the right care provider for your child, it is important to consider certain indicators of child care quality.
Child Care Assistance FAQ for Parents
Find answers to frequently asked questions by parents of children who are receiving child care assistance.