I have a relative who is currently on CCS, and I would like to watch their children. What is required, and how can I set this up?
You must be at least 18 years old, and you must be the child’s sibling, aunt/uncle, grandparent or great-grandparent if you don’t reside in the same household as the child(ren).
You must apply for and receive a Listing Permit for Listed Family Homes from Texas Health and Human Services Child Care Regulation before you can provide care.
The Listing Permit Request to be a Listed Family Home can be found at the Texas Health and Human Services website in the Child Care Home Provider Applications Forms section. Please contact Child Care Regulation at (806) 354-5307 for any questions concerning the Listing Permit Request.
Upon receipt of your Listing Permit, please contact Karron Gilbreath, Child Care Provider Services Lead, by phone at (806) 350-1726 or by email at kgilbreath@wspanhandle.com.
How much do I get paid for accepting CCS children?
Workforce Solutions Panhandle pays the maximum reimbursement daily rates unless the provider’s published rate is lower. Please review the 2025 Maximum Reimbursement Rates to view the current rates.
When I have an Agreement, will you guarantee CCS children will be enrolled at my center/home?
Being a contracted provider with Workforce Solutions Panhandle will not guarantee CCS enrollment since federal and state rules require that all referrals be based on parent choice.
I want to provide care for children whose families are receiving subsidized Child Care Services (CCS). How do I do this?
To become a contracted provider with Workforce Solutions Panhandle, the following requirements must be met and maintained:
- Effective October 3, 2022, all CCS child care and early learning programs must participate in the Texas Rising Star program. In order to be a CCS provider, child care and early learning programs must:
- meet the Entry- Level designation point threshold; and
- attain at least a Two-Star certification level within 24 months
- Must be licensed or registered through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) as a licensed child care center, licensed child care home, registered child care home, or be operated and monitored by the United States Military Services;
- Must abide by the terms of the Provider Agreement;
- Must follow the procedures as outlined in the CCS Provider Handbook;
- Must not be presently on corrective or adverse action with Child Care Regulation (CCR).