Only 12 spots left!
As we all know, teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of our students. In this regard, we would like to invite you to participate in the High School Teacher Externship Program, organized by Workforce Solutions Panhandle in cooperation with Region 16, Amarillo Area Foundation, and Panhandle Community Partnership. This program offers an excellent opportunity for teachers to enhance your professional growth and improve teaching practices.
The Teacher Externship Program is a professional development initiative that provides teachers with firsthand experience and knowledge about a particular industry, company, or organization. Participating teachers, will spend 24-32 hours working with an assigned employer in June or July. In return, they will receive a stipend of $1,000 upon successful completion of the externship.
During the externship, educators will work alongside professionals in a field related to your subject area or grade level. The goal is to deepen your content knowledge, learn about industry practices, and make connections between what is taught in the classroom and the real-world application of that knowledge.
Upon completing the externship, participating teachers will return to their classrooms to incorporate new insights and experiences into teachings. This will make lessons more engaging, relevant, and help students to see the connection between what they learn in school and the real world.
Teacher Externship Program is an excellent way for educators to improve their teaching practices and enhance their professional growth. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to participate in this program. If you have any questions or would like to apply, please contact the Workforce Solutions Panhandle’s Business Services Team at (806) 345-1341 or
Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this opportunity further, please do not hesitate to contact us.